Sunday 6 December 2009


In continuation of my "People" series, I present here an interview of my brother. Thank you bro for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions, and I wish you all the very best with your exams.

Q1) Define yourself.

Defining a person is pretty hard, but i'll try my best. The first thing that people generally remark about me when we become friends is that i have an inferiority complex. I agree, no point arguing with so many people. I have this notion that however hard one tries to perfect something, somewhere in some corner of the world, there will be someone who can do it better. So i work for myself and myself alone. Call me selfish, but thats how i work.
I make friends very slowly, something i don't actually like about me. But once i do make friends i end up trusting those people a lot. Thats it i think..

Q2) You are about to outgrow your teenage years. What are your feelings on that front, how were your teenage years and what are you looking forward to now?

There's this one opinion i have. Each person grows at their own rate, mentally or physically. So although one does outgrow his childhood at some point, it remains to be seen if that someone has become an adult. Each person has their own span of teenage-hood and that could extend upto any point in their life. My teenage years were great. I feel i kept pace with my physical age by growing up with it :D
I'm looking forward to the usual, car and bike license and so on. But there's one thing i can't wait for. to vote!! i follow politics quite closely although i prefer not taking any sides. I feel responsible now, and i want to learn more about the world and how it works (you have no idea how hard it is to get a banker's cheque)

Q3) As a younger sibling, do you feel that life might have been different had you been the older one?

Definitely. Being the older sibling requires one to display a greater maturity. I've never stuck up for any one, or tried solving any one's problems. But you've done that for me, and having that sort of common sense and maturity is quite different. Although life may not have been drastically different, it definitely would have been.

Q4) What are your feelings now that you are at the crossroads of your life? (I mean the 12th board exams et al)

Ah. I have to admit i'm quite nervous already. The sort of competition for higher education is insane. My exams just got over, and that has given me some slight confidence because i feel i have done reasonably well, although results are yet to come out. It eventually comes down to the board exams i think. Everything that has happened doesn't count. Just that one exam is going to predict what is to come. Freaky!

Q5) Do you know clearly what it is that you want out of life? What is going to be your career choice?

I haven't made any choices yet. Thats something i like about myself. I don't actually despise anything, i see that in myself everyday. Movies which everyone else hate, i would've watched it twice. The same is the case with my higher studies. I like everything i have seen till now. Law, Engineering, Pure Science, Journalism, Business studies (though that is practically ruled out) and so on. Right now though, i feel it comes down to the first three, and more importantly the first. That is an added advantage considering the amount of competition. I won't be overly disappointed if i do not get some course.


amma said...

Hey sensible and quite balanced this joto is , is'nt he Adu? And as mentioned by him you also take some credit in his shaping up. By the way why don't you do a self check and post your replies?

Ridhima said...

Nice interview Sods...Little Johto has grown up. Btw I love the fact that your Mum calls him that as well now..

Basically I just wanted to say don't get stressed by this apparent crossroads. In retrospect, or as Soda likes to put, in the cosmic sense of the universe, this is really not that big a crossroads. Everyone always scares you and tells you that your results in the 12th will determine what you become... Not so.. life is very flexible and things change in strange ways.

Take NS, he studied engineering (didn't he?), became a police officer and now is a musician extraordinaire and beloved bandmaster.. :P (Y'know even so many years after having left school, that joke of calling him Bandmaster never gets old)

Anonymous said...

1- my parents first started calling me johto when i was 2 or 3 years old, the only reason you guys call me that is because adi told you guys. i like the name as well. pretty unique.
2- i sent this thing to adi sumtime in end august. and he felt good so he put it up now.
3 thanks for the info ridhima, but i'm scared more than ever now. its december.