Thursday, 12 February 2015

In Bed Together

These lands were never yours- said the man in white
This soil is ours to give and ours to take
Haven't you heard of eminent domain?

This soil that I love breaths through wet pores
The land that I toil upon is red and fertile
I am the tiller who feeds you, mercy, I implore!

The bodies of our mothers and fathers have enriched these lands
This soil is the nourisher that is for our children to care
Do not blast this mountain, our Lord and the source of nature's bounty

Your voice is feeble and weak, limbs too frail
Do not stand in our way, we are here to civilise you
The land must be taken, else we shall have no development

Fair compense shall be made, the nation values the gritty farmer
You shall find jobs in the factories, you will be developed
Your children shall go to schools and learn the wonders of the world

Crush these halfclothed beggars if they refuse to budge
When it trickles down, they shall kiss my portraits
I live to serve these very multitudes, I feel betrayed, dismayed!

Do not hold back your blows my men said the man in brown
They are savages and brutes of the scrubs and forests
We shall educate them in the subtle art of civilisation

These mountains hold the wealth that I seek said the man in black
We shall denude them into red dust that shall build great cities
The forest shall be stripped for we must have development

Their job done, white and black met under a grey sun
We have thrown the savages into our slums
We have turned the red mountain into lumps of gold

We have oozed black sludge into the blue rivers and seas
We have burnt the forests down to the roots
They smiled in pride as the strange bedfellows lay kissing

1 comment:

MsKhattiMeethi said...

Just a suggestion.. use different fonts for different men. I had a hell of a tough time figuring out who was saying what. I'm still confused about when White finished talking and Brown started.