Saturday, 1 November 2014

The promise of better days

The flowers will fade to stone and the hills will choke the rivers
we will swim in the sludge and paddle to keep our heads above
Our eyes scanning the skies for a sight of the stars beyond the smog

The people in boats still dream of children and music but avert their eyes
from the bobbing heads in the lonely seas that have turned their guts out
The fish have gone and so have the dolphins, only the barnacles cling on

The guardians were asleep when their need was the most
may I smile, I wonder, at this cruel twist of fate
for we were promised better and we aspired for much that wasn't

It was not at the end of the street, so we built it further; we were told
the road would end at the oasis of cool darkness and warm moonlight
and so we built it with our bleached bones and the fossils of dinosaurs

1 comment:

MsKhattiMeethi said...

My heart was in my mouth again. :'(