Wednesday, 18 November 2009


What is your family name cried out the yellow faces with green eyes

What is your heritage and ancestry... do you know anyone with a crown?

With derision they buried the young lad who answered thus

I am what I am as I stand before you now, do not question me of my past

for i have none to speak of... i know not anyone with a crown

My purpose is to remove the veil of darkness and the thorns of prejudice

outside the mob awaited the shrunken yellow men bent with age

Peace! I demand silence! Listen for the wise men have filed out onto their balcony

Withered hands they raised to wave at their wagging minions

Yellow pride flowed through their conceited veins bringing a yellow glow on their cheeks

That man is not to be trusted, he is of low birth and unknown ancestry- cried out the wise

He conspires to steal your adulation for your elders, for he is evil and of inferior birth

The wagging minions stole furtive glances at each other, and raised a blood curdling cry

We shall sally forth and destroy this evil you speak of O wise ones!

No! Don't you see they are using you- cried out the young man with the halo

I may not look like you, but I love you the same as my brothers, let us have peace.

The mob rushed at him armed with prejudice and blind hatred

Manipulated brains festering within their craniums, blood thirsty red eyes watering with rage

The young man lay on the ground mortally wounded, he staggered up to his feet

He caught the nearest man who raised an arm to beat him to the ground again

He kissed him with a loving smile, that of a mother who chides her erring child with loving care

His second fall to the ground seemed to stretch through aeons...

The man with the raised hand had a single tear in his clear blue eyes

Clear blue eyes that could see for the first time...

1 comment:

Akash Verma said...

Touching... in a strange peacefully painful way. Touching nevertheless...